Friday, October 12, 2007

Fussy Customers

"Praise does wonders to the sense of hearing!"

Ever heard this saying? Well today I saw it happening.

I was at a restaurant with some friends enjoying our usual weekend dinner. Across our table sat two elderly couples who did not seem too happy with the food as well as with the service of the wait staff, whom I'm sure, was trying her best to please these fussy customers. Nothing seemed to work. They made an issue about the salmon they'd ordered which they said tasted too "fishy"!! The lettuce seemed too brown and not fresh in their salad. The coffee was too.....

The wait staff, Amanda, interrupted and told the fussy woman as to how lovely her earrings were!! To my amazement, the woman's tone and attitude changed abruptly. Apparently, those were the earrings that she had acquired in Kenya while on her honeymoon with her first husband and had always loved it. And at once, everything tasted good, the salmon wasn't fishy anymore, the salad was the best salad she had in years etc etc. She was even too generous with the tips!

Curious as we were asked Amanda whether she had really like the earrings!

"Hell No!" was her answer!

Well at least she had the situation under control!

Hats off to you girl!


Morthax said...

Well, they say good manners is the oil in the machinery of social interaction...or something like that.

hansu_87 said...


omgitsyary said...

funny story.

roentare said...

Very funny. Love your style of writing.

Unknown said...

Good.I like it.

lorainek said...

great story!

Tarrynxo said...
