Friday, November 23, 2007

Luxury of Choice

I feel fortunate living here in the United States of America. Unconsciously we are blessed with so many things in life that we hardly pay heed to. We have the luxury of letting the water run for extended period of time whilst we brush our teeth, we have the luxury of wasting food, we have the lavishness of taking showers two times a day, facilities and natural resources are sumptuous and we sure have the luxury of choice! Yet we complain!

The recent cyclone in Bangladesh let thousands without food and water. Bangladesh being a third world country can barely do much. The people affected are going without water for days and some who are lucky enough to grab a bottle offered by the relief foundations have to share it with five other members of the family. The situation is tragic and compassionate. People are dying and the situation is giving rise to numerous diseases. They don’t have a choice but adhere to the circumstance and are unsure whether they will live another day to tell their survival stories to the future generation!

Yet we complain!

1 comment:

DubLiMan said...

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Good luck!

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