Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Anger Management

Last year in November, I was celebrating my birthday with some of my good friends or perhaps what I thought of them then. It was a pleasant night and I sure did have fun. But as alcohol takes control of our heads, we tend to degrade ourselves to a totally repelling and unjustifiable level. Thus, a fight broke out amidst friends and as I was playing the mediator, desperately trying to break the fight, I was rewarded with handcuffs. Amidst the hustle and bustle, I may have shoved an officer and he took me in despite my pitiful plea of innocence. Perhaps, in his mind, justice was served.

Oh did I forget to mention that even my brother, his girlfriend and another friend who is as close as a brother was arrested too? Their mistake: Trying to talk to the officer stating my innocence!! SO MUCH FOR A BARGAINING PLEA! It was quite a birthday gift; being arrested for trying to restore peace; nearly tasered for saying “I didn’t do nothing” and a few hours in the cell! Interesting, huh? We were charged with Breach of Peach and interfering with the officer.

Well after 4 months of constant visits to the court and after hiring three lawyers the court decided to gives us an AR (Accelerated Rehabilitation), a once in a life chance to make things right. During this period, we have to stay out of trouble of any kind. I am the only one among the four required to take Anger management class! It’s 13 classes, a class every week!

A short thin old man probably in his 70s with dyed reddish hair, thick spectacle over his nose barely able to walk without complaining about his joints and back is my Anger Management Consular. He is always mad and always looking out the window the minute we walk into the class. I later found out that he was on the lookout for his bosses’ car. The minute the car wasn’t there, he would let us go whether it was 5 minutes of class or 30. Well this is the class I have to attend paying $35 per class. Does it really help me? Of course not! What if I really needed the anger management treatment? Everybody tells me that I have become angrier after I have started attending that class. Well I have!!

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